0.005 TCID50/ml detection limit,

10,000 times lower than current lateral flow tests and comparable to PCR with no specialist equipment or training required.


Senzo commissioned three 3rd-party, head-to-head, blind studies to independently assess and verify the accuracy of the Senzo Amplified Lateral Flow (ALF) Covid-19 test against PCR.  The studies were conducted by: (1) Sheffield University, (2) University College London, and (3) LateralDX

The studies collectively showed ALF tests to have >99% concordance with PCR across 75 positive and 75 negatives samples and demonstrated the ability of an ALF test to identify positive samples with low viral load, for example, those with Ct values higher than 30. Multiple studies have shown that existing lateral flow rapid antigen tests are unable to detect low viral load Covid-19 virus in patient samples. This results in a high false-negative rate, undermining test accuracy.

Sheffield University

The blinded study, led by infectious disease and COVID-19 researcher Dr. Thushan de Silva’s team, demonstrated Senzo’s Amplified Lateral Flow test is 100% accurate when compared to PCR results, including at very low viral loads.


Senzo’s COVID-19 ALF devices were blind tested in a third-party study by Professor Reza Motallebzadeh’s group at the Department of Surgical Biotechnology, at the Royal Free Hospital, University College London.


Senzo’s COVID-19 ALF devices were blind tested in a third-party study with Lateral Dx, experts in lateral flow test development and providers of in vitro diagnostic solutions on a contract basis to partner businesses. The Lateral Dx team were engaged to independently assess and verify the accuracy of the Senzo Amplified Lateral Flow Covid-19 test.



Flu A/B

Hepatitis C


C. Difficile

COVID-19 │ HIV │ Flu A/B │ Hepatitis C │ Tuberculosis │ C. Difficile

ALF Innovation

The Senzo Amplified Lateral Flow uses a novel method to bind Detection Reagent and Capture Antibody in the Test Zone, only if a target analyte is present.

Since Detection Reagent will only remain bound to Capture Antibody at the Test Zone if the analyte is present, it can be amplified without fear of amplifying noise and false positives, providing very high sensitivity. If the target analyte is not present, the Detection Reagent and Capture Antibody flow completely off the strip into the Absorption Pad and Amplification Reagent can be safely applied without impacting specificity.

Reach out to the Senzo team


If you have any questions regarding Senzo please get in touch via the contact form here: